Thushan Jayaratne
5 min readNov 12, 2019


I am going to tell you a LOVE story, one that we all can relate to. A story of Passion, Betrayal and Heartbreak.

Before we start, let me introduce you to the characters in this story;

MR: Golden Boy turned Abusive Ex

MS: Jealous Unstable Rebound

GR: The ‘SHY’ Redeemer

RW: The annoying uncle who bugs you about getting married at weddings, who just won’t DIE!

SP: The Caretaker



He’s was the Sri Lankan dream come true. Coming from humble beginnings, a freedom fighter, great orator, speaking to the hearts and minds of my children. I had flirted with him briefly on and off but in 2005, my children thought that he was the best Man for me, so we got together.

MR was my first real love! Everyone liked him, he was strong and independent. He was loving and caring, he provided for me and my children, he was very enterprising. Always busy with work, doing new things, building new places with his brother GR. I liked him a lot, but I must say, I didn’t really care for his friends. In 2009, MR did something that I thought no one could ever do. He saved me and all my children from a horrible disease that we were suffering from for more that 30 years. People said that there was no cure, that we had to learn to live with this plague. But MR was having none of this, he cured this sickness once and for all. It finally felt like I can breathe again.

MR was now my Golden boy (or should I say, Man). He was like a King and my children worshipped him, some may even say that he was God like. Unfortunately, humans make Gods and eventually take on certain characteristics of those Gods.

Now since MR was a Super Star, he didn’t have time for me. As he got more popular and his power began to grow, he started neglecting me and my needs. He didn’t pay attention to me. His friends and colleagues started paying attention to me though and started flirting with me, but when I didn’t reciprocate their attention and flirting, they started getting abusive and nasty. But MR didn’t care, he now had many other agendas to please. So, before I got raped by MR and his goons, I mean friends, I knew that I had to get out of this unhealthy relationship.

During this time, RW, who I had known for a very long long long…time, introduced me to MS. I thought nothing of him because he was a very shy and innocent looking man, and even though he was interested in me…I was like, this guy is SOOO NOT my type and I laughed it off.


But as some time went by, I realized that MS was also like me. He was very close to MR but was betrayed by him as he grew in power. I started to identify and empathise with MS, he was actually telling my story. I felt like he has lived my life and went through the same things that I went through. The immense love, the loyalty and then the betrayal and discarding, like just another brick in the wall.

[THIS is WHY we voted for MS, because he was telling the story that all of us wanted to hear. He expressed openly with a lot of emotion, all the feelings that we all had inside of us, feelings of Immense LOVE and then BETRAYAL. A classic Love story]

Because I was so traumatized with everything that had happen in my previous relationship with MR, and. because MS seemed like the exact opposite of my previous partner MR, and since I was scared to be alone, I got together with MS in 2015!

[THIS ladies and gentleman, was our REBOUND PRESIDENT]


We were ok for some time, I was not getting abused and tortured like the previous relationship, I felt like I was valued most of the time, I had the freedom to do what I wanted to do, go where I wanted to go, say what I wanted to say etc. But then I realized that I was not happy, I mean, it was not bad, there were the occasional times that he acted out because he was feeling insecure and wanted some attention. He would do silly things to get my attention sometimes.

[Enrique Bra and Madu valige, Nuts on the Plane, singing songs for me on stage, waving at me from stage, Vadu Madu, MILO fight etc]

I actually found it sweet and endearing, any woman loves to be the object of affection. However, it was a relationship with no passion for me. Then in 2018, he did the worst thing possible and wanted to invite MR into our house, after all that I went through, he just didn’t care. It is then that I realized. Even though I was over MR, MS was NOT! He still wanted to be accepted and loved by the Golden Boy. I also realized something else… MS was my REBOUND partner. He took me away from my abusive and unhappy relationship with MR but he was not the one for me, I just had to get out.

MS and I spoke about it, I told him that I was not happy and sometimes, the things that he does to impress me, actually end up hurting other people, including my children. We decided that it was time to end this.


I have seen things and learnt things. Things about my self and things about the people around me. The people who said that they loved me and cared about me and also people who were just lusting after me.

My EX MR says that he is sorry for what he did, he now understands that he hurt me and abused me but he says that he is a changed man now. And that he knows that he cannot be with me but he wants to make it up to me. SO, he is proposing that I take his brother GR!!! He wants me back in the FAMILY!!!

If you were me, if you had gone through the same things that I did with an abusive Ex, what would you do? Would you be shameless enough to get together with your ex’s brother??? Would this not be a form form on INCEST? Would you want to have to do anything with that FAMILY???


Thankfully, now that we have come to the end of that relationship amicably with MS, I have realized something. I am now OLDER and WISER. I am getting OLD now, I am not in a position to be taking partners or being in a relationships.

What I want is someone who will take care of me. Someone who will appreciate what I have done for them and help me heal my aching bones. I don’t need a husband or a lover…

I need a SON, a. Sri Lankan SON who will take care of ME!

And I think I know just the man to do that… #forwardtogether with Sajith Premadasa 🙏

Thushan Jayaratne
Thushan Jayaratne

Written by Thushan Jayaratne

I joke about everything and write about some of them. Human Racist and Politically Incorrect. Life is a Punny thing!

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