Writing is my Fix...it helps me express all the shit that I want to scream out loud, but am unable to...because I am not ready to be committed...to a Mental institution...yet.

I recently started reading 'Without Feathers' by Woody Allen, within the first few paragraphs I realised...shit, this is what my brain is like. Absolutely random and all over the place...Creative Chaos!

So here I am, trying to makes sense of the madness in my head and entertain you in the process...just kidding, I don't care about your entertainment, I am just trying to make it through the Night!

Live Long and...what was that again???

Medium member since June 2024
Connect with Thushan Jayaratne
Thushan Jayaratne

Thushan Jayaratne

I joke about everything and write about some of them. Human Racist and Politically Incorrect. Life is a Punny thing!