Ha ha. It does get better man. I got mine from ADSL about 7 1/2 years ago when he was just 2 months. A paraya rescue who found shelter with the lovely people at the Glory swim shop. Teddy, he was named when I got him, has done some legit weird ass shit, here are just 3;
- he had a fetish and kept going into my mothers room and running out with her Bras and Panties
- He used to find the coconuts in the kitchen and even though they were bigger than his head, managed to carry them to the living room and make a mess of it there
- we moved to this upstair house for 6 months and he was really stressed out. One day, he has snuck into my mother’s room, chewed her mobile beyond repair along with the headset AND shat her bed
Legend I tell you…It gets better though ;-)