If I were Worthy…
If I were worthy…I’d talk the Sun into shining ever so light
So that you will not have to hide that Smile oh so Bright
If I were worthy… I would still this Moonlit night
So that your room will be filled with Angelic Light
If I were worthy, I would reschedule Summer to Forever
So that the sunlight will shine in your eyes moreover
If I were worthy, I would bring the Pacific to your feet
So that two of the worlds greatest might meet
If I were worthy, I’d get a thousand Doves on lease
So that they’ll bring your heart and mind blissful Peace
If I were worthy, I’d pick the Prettiest Flower for you to wear
So that you will no longer feel this dreaded Despair
If I were worthy, I’d tell all the World that you were my Life
Cos’ I will know all my Life, that you are my World!
Oh… If Only I Were Worthy