Is God Tired Of Miracles Or Is He Just Too Shy To Perform?
According to many ancient scriptures, the bible being the most famous, many things happened, that were considered Miracles.
For example, in the bible God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and Moses believed every single thing that was revealed to him during this encounter and of course all believers take this scenario seriously and accept that this indeed take place. But if someone told you today that god appeared to them in a burning bush or a modern day the equivalent, the forest fires in Australia maybe, and wanted them to do certain things in order to fulfill some sort of prophesy, you would probably ask them to go visit the nearest shrink and get their head tested right.
What I don’t understand is that how come all these visions and miracles happened in the old days. Why is god not doing these things anymore? Things are getting really crazy around the world these days and I think we could really use a miracle or two and a visit from god in a form of a burning bush or anything like that to convince us of his/her existence and set things straight a bit. How come god did all these fancy things those days and kept everyone busy but does not do it anymore? Or is that he does still do the appearing act but society has evolved so much that the people who actually witness or a part of such encounters are afraid to come out with them for the fear of being called loony and put into a mad-house.
Personally, I find this very disappointing. It is the absence of these little miracles every now and then where God shows him/her self or at least a clear manifestation that is driving this world crazy. We are left to just watch Criss Angel and David Blain perform and exclaim ‘Oh, My God!”