Only Hurt People, Hurt People: Corporal Punishment 101
It’s a Sad and pathetic situation when Humans, who profess to be the Smartest and most advanced sentient beings on the planet, try to justify that, in order to get KIDS (who by the way, unlike adults, are still NOT set in their ways), to ‘learn something’ or ‘correct them’ or ‘get them to do what we want them to do’, need to be PHYSICALLY ABUSED! YES, no matter what politically correct bull shit term you want to call Corporal punishment, it still is what it is… PHYSICAL ABUSE!!!
And then in my country, Sri Lanka, we have these successful (Rich) people saying how they appreciate the fact they were ‘disciplined’ by this teacher in this or that way, when they were in school. And ‘who knows what would have become of them if they were not ‘caned, slapped, pinched etc’… YES INDEED…Who knows what you could have become of you, if you were not taught that ‘in order to teach, learn, be good, do the right thing, convince, influence, correct, discipline etc, you NEED to HURT the other person or people’…
OMG!!! Just imagine what you ‘COULD HAVE BECOME’.
You are not successful because you were ‘physically disciplined’, you are successful because you were born with the intellect and temperament to overcome and achieve, no matter what.
You see, we see only material success, people only show material success. They don’t show the emotional scars. And the worst part is that, they are so convinced that despite all the ‘physical disciplining’, they are emotionally balanced individuals. But just ask the people close to them, their wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend, best friend, colleagues and subordinates…ask them if this person is ‘emotionally balanced and stable’.
It’s not ‘tough Love’… it’s LAZY LOVE!!!
it’s ‘Fucked-up love!
Actually, I don’t think that it’s Love at all.
It definitely takes way more Time, Patience, self discipline and most importantly Love, to teach, explain and make someone understand WHY, what they did was wrong and WHY they should not do it again…instead a ‘good old fashioned beating’ takes a few mins.
I bet, if you talk to any of these violent underworld gangsters, they are not going to tell you that they have become this way because they were Loved and cared for too much. They probably have a violent childhood with physical and emotional abuse and no Love.
And for anyone who is thinking… “what the fuck does he know, he doesn’t have kids…what does he know about disciplining kids”…ponder on this…