What IS success?
To me “Success is a sustained equilibrium of the most intimate areas of an individual’s life (Health, Family, Friends, Career, Security, Love, Finances etc) which ultimately brings about Peace of Mind”.
As we all know, success is not a destination, it is not even a journey. I believe that Success is a full time Job. I think it is an occupation because, just like we engage in out nine to five day jobs that bring us the financial resources, Success is WORK. And unfortunately, there are NO working hours and there is NO weekend. We do NOT get paid overtime because there is NO set TIME. We don’t get holidays because we don’t have a calendar. But here is the good part of this Job… there is no Boss! Well there is NO boss that we have to report to at least. You can call it a sole proprietorship. You basically work around the clock, for yourself. So, if this is the case, if are supposed to be working every time, all the time at success then I believe that is it of the utmost importance that we enjoy it. Because we all know that doing a ‘job’ that you do not enjoy doing is the surest way to get fired.
Did Someone Say…Passion!
This is where Passion comes in. I have been told so many times by so many people that ‘Passion’ is good for the lucky few who have already found it. That while it is only a select few who are lucky enough to actually work at what they are passionate about, the rest of us have to actually be doing whatever it is that comes our way, that things are always going to be hard for us because we will not be doing what we love, and that this is OK. I have struggled all my life because I did not believe this. Because I believed that Passion is everything, that without passion there is no motivation, there is no reason, there is no drive and most importantly without passion there is no love. And where there is no love…there is nothing.
This Passion has to be a PART of everything we DO for it is at the HEART of everything that we ARE. If there is no passion towards the most important and intimate areas in your life, to be healthy, to engage in our nine to five occupation, to indulge in our family and friends, if there is no passion to wake up every morning and smell the fresh air and hear the birds sing, if this is not Sustained day in and day out, when the going is tough as well as when it is smooth, when you are weak as well as when you are strong, when you are kicked as well as when you are kissed ,you lose Equilibrium.
“Success is a sustained equilibrium of the most intimate areas of an individual’s life (Health, Family, Friends, Career, Security, Love, Finances etc) which ultimately brings about Peace of Mind”
Of course we are all too familiar with the ‘easier said than done’ scenario and this one is a no-brainer. Life is so complicated and complex for us in this day in age. Gone are the days that we were content with what we had and strived not for things that we actually had no earthly need for. Today, if we do not strive…whether we actually need it or not, we are failures. Failure is the opposite of Success, if success is Full time employment, then Failure is full time unemployment. If Passion is what fuels Success then the total absence of Passion is what fuels Failure. It’s not rocket science really, just need to know what to light in order to keep the fire burning.
Full-time Job
So Success is a full time job that is motivated by passion and keeping at it will result in most of the areas of your life that are important to you function smoothly for sustained periods of time and which will bring about Peace of Mind. This sounds rather passive I know. But this is what I believe. As much as we want it, we can NOT strive towards Peace of Mind. All we can do is work hard every waking minute of our lives at finding passion in and sustaining balance within the things that matter most to us. The more successful we are at this task, the more likely that we will be able to experience Peace of Mind. It is all a process. Everything in this world is connected. We just don’t see beyond the wiring and the networks that concern us or the circuits that we belong to. As long as the bulb outside is burning we are happy, totally oblivious to the fire inside that is far more powerful, enlightening and comforting.
May you and I be blessed with the courage to dim the bulb outside a little bit but not knock it off, for it lets people know that we are at home, and the knowledge and insight to light the fire inside so that we can keep everyone warm and safe.