The Importance Of Knowledge Sharing Among Team Members
How many times have you or your team members hit the Proverbial ‘Brick Wall’ because there was a knowledge, skill or competency gap preventing the task / project being completed. When there was someone in your team who had had all the resources or a couple of them had a combination of the resources required to complete the task.
Given that we all have a unique Skill Set, knowledge base, experiences and competencies, it is imperative that we share knowledge and learning points among the team continuously and consistently.
What might seem impossible to get through for me might be a walk in the park for someone else. But most of the time it is Ego that prevents us from reaching out or not wanting to ‘look stupid’ to our team (which is again a form of Ego).
This was was made very apparent to me when I was General Manager Quintessentially Sri Lanka’s Concierge operation. In that environment, where service levels and Turn around times are of utmost importance, the learning curves are very steep and we cannot afford to make the same mistakes given the Ultra High Net Worth and High Net Worth individuals and Brands / Companies who are our members. This is why we almost ‘obsessed’ with knowledge sharing within the team and ensure that one Lifestyle Manager’s learning points are discussed among the team and best practices are adopted.
Because after all…
“One Man’s Brick wall, is another Man’s Garden Fence”
Originally published at