Will I NEVER Be Able To Have A Pint Again?
Did Covid fuck with my Beer!?
So I got Covid-19 back in 2021…it was nasty. It started like any other flu with Fever and joint pains, but that all changed in a couple of days. It was just consistent High fever that did not budge for Paracetamol, and the Muscle, Joint and Body pains were excruciating…it felt like someone had filled my body with Sand was bashing it with a Baseball bat. Of course, I had not taken any of the Vaccines by then, and I was not intending to, either (…and I still have not).
I was living on my own back then, and endured 5–6 days of this clinical assault on my body before even being able to get out of the house and get tested. And man I don’t know if it was the same for other people too, but when the nurse shoved the swab up my nose, my body’s reaction was so nasty, it felt like I was being exorcised BY Emily Rose…and I think that I also had a Panic attack at that moment too.
No surprises there, I was COVID+ and rushed back to my parent’s place for my isolation period, where I was visited by ALL my chronic illnesses i.e Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hemorrhoids, Gastritis and a Mother of all Coughs which felt like I was coughing up whatever was left of the Demon from the Covid test… a story for another article maybe.
Anyway, since of late all I seem to be doing is coughing up phlegm, and it seems like it not going to stop any time soon. Its just one chest infection after the other, sometimes lingering, sometimes rough like TB and sometimes just plain fucking annoying. Ice Cream is becoming a dream and Iced Water (I live in Tropical Sri Lanka), is becoming a luxury. Sometimes, just a longer than usual drive in the Air Condioning set at 25, can trigger a coughing bout leaving me wanting to commit unconditional suicide.
But out of all the suffering bestowed upon me, I think the worst is the fact that I can’t have a Chilled Beer anymore…and I do love my Beer. Even if I stay away from it for about a month, just one beer and it all goes to hell again. Sometimes, all I have to do is look at a beer, or watch a beer commercial…and I can feel my sinuses getting blocked and my chest bursting into flames. Its just not funny anymore, I almost passed out coughing while writing this very article.
Is anyone esle suffering from this never-ending eternal Hell kinda chest infection? Has numerous visits to the doc and Antibiotics not been able to sort it out for you too? What advice would you have to get rid of this and get back on track?
…but most importantly, what do you think about Warm beer???