Thushan Jayaratne
3 min readNov 28, 2019


We all have a Joffrey inside of us

And So am I…here’s why!

Yes we all have heard about how cruel we can be. After all the wars that have been fought over the centuries for one reason or the other and all the innocent humans that have been slaughtered in the name of one god or the other, I think we can all agree that we are a bit obsessed with pain. I mean surely after all that has been done throughout history we must have learnt some sort of lessons that will stop us from waging another war, destroying another village, killing another people… but guess what, that has just not happened. You know why… because we humans are just plain and simply… Sadists!!!

Let me give you a classic example. Just think of a time that you were feeling really bad. By feeling bad I mean some sort of emotional trauma rather than physical pain, but of course that also cannot be ignored in our argument. We are usually so happy to wallow away in our sorrow and pain, it’s just like a little vacation that we take from our day to day lives and having to be responsible for so many things that are going on. But then all of a sudden we hear a song on the radio or we read a news article in the papers or we see something on the TV where some poor soul or the other who is in far more shit than we are. We look long and hard at the screen, pull the pages of the papers closer and turn up the volume on the radio… all in an effort to get closer to this fellow human beings suffering and heartache. We are deeply concerned about this individual’s plight and what he is going through. We have never met this person, we don’t even know his real name but we feel for him so much… oh how much we feel for them. And as the article gets more graphic, as the pictures become more disturbing and the numbers on the radio are almost double now… we feel something strange happening inside of us. Through all this concern and feeling toward our fellow brothers and sisters, we start to actually feel good!!! Yes that is right… good… now don’t act all holier than thou and roll your eyes in disbelief. We human beings somehow find some sort of twisted joy in the fact that some other poor bastard is going through worse shit than we are right now. We do feel bad for them and for their loss and their heartache… but then again these things happen and it is just a part and parcel of life…RIGHT?

We start feeling good because it is some poor bastard in Somalia who had had his arms and legs cut off and lying decapitated on the road, you start feeling good because it was not your family who has been shot in the head execution style in Iraq, you start feeling good because it’s not you who lost his job in the UK and who now has to live on government handouts everyday… you start feeling damn good because you are just a fucking SADIST!!!

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Thushan Jayaratne
Thushan Jayaratne

Written by Thushan Jayaratne

I joke about everything and write about some of them. Human Racist and Politically Incorrect. Life is a Punny thing!

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